
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, August 14, 2006


I went to high school with a foreign exchange student from Germany who said her 'v' like a 'w' and her 'w' like a 'v'. We did the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe my junior year (I was Susan, Zippy was Peter. I was called Incest Sue until I graduated) and once we defeated the White Witch a resounding "Victory" would go up from the cast, save the Germany girl who shouted above the rest "Wictory!".

No that you know the origin of "Wictory!" I can go onto the real post. I finally found, after much, much searching a copy of Animaniacs, Vol 1. It was released on July 24 and I have been searching for it since then to give Zippy for his anniversery/birthday present. Tonight, after listening to the Target lady say that the first shipment didn't even make it to the shelf because the employees bought them all, we found one.

And, even though Zippy's birthday isn't until Sept and our anniversery isn't until Wednesday, I have given him his gift. I buy presents, but I can't wait for the actual date of the gifting event to come.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wongratulations on your wictory???