
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Problem with Toys

To say that Baba has a lot of toys would be an understatement. He has enough toys for a small army of snot-nosed babies and/or toddlers. I wish I could say that he is a perfect toddler: he plays with one toy at a time and returns the current toy to the toy box before choosing another toy. The truth is all of the toys must be removed from the toy box before any decision can be reached regarding which toy to play with.

Until today, this had not been to much of a problem. Oh sure, I've stepped on a fair share of trucks, duplos, farmers, tractors (tractors hurt theworst), and farm animals. But tonight, I walked into Baba Knievel's Wonder Trike of Death and Destruction and broke off half of my toenail.

On the plus side, I didn't swear out loud or get any blood on our carpet. I figure that's a pretty decent accomplishment. Much more worthwhile than the 8 hours of homework I did today.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If it's any consolation, I burned myself with my curling iron. It was hot. I also walked up 7 flights of stairs only to realize that we were on the wrong side of the ramp and had to walk down the seven plus up another 7. That's a lot of stairs. My legs hurt.